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Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014
Harga Efek Gitar - Cari tahu tentang harga efek gitar terbaru, tentunya anda hoby dan senang sekali dengan namanya bermusik, disini saya akan berbagi informasi tentang harga ter-updatenya di 2014 ini. Jika anda mempunyai sebuah gitar listrik maka hal selanjutnya yang penting untuk dibeli adalah sebuah efek gitar. Tentunya jika anda hanya punya gitar listriknya saja tanpa ada efek tak ada artinya bukan ?Ada banyak sekali jenis efek gitar yang ada dipasaran baik produk lokal ataupun dari luar. Karena banyaknya permintaan efek gitar maka banyak sekali produsen lokal yang memproduksi sendiri dengan mencontoh rangkaian yang asli.

Oleh sebab itu anda harus pandai dalam memilih efek gitar yang bagus dan awet sesuai kebutuhan serta keuangan anda. Dibawah ini ada daftar harga efek gitar murah yang dijual dibawah 1 jutaan dan dijamin sebagai barang original/asli.

Daftar Harga Efek Gitar Murah Original

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014
ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Nano Switchblade
Guitar Passive Channel Selector Stompbox Effect
Rp 450,000

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014
Bass Booster, Low End Bottom While Adding 20dB Boost to yor signal, Control Boost
Rp 490,000

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014
Guitar Linear Power Booster Preamp Stompbox Effect, Control Section Bost
Rp 550,000

 ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Nano Muff Overdrive
ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Signal Pad
Guitar Passive Attenuator Stompbox Effect, Control Section Volume
Rp 550,000

 ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Nano Muff Overdrive
ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Nano Muff Overdrive
Guitar Muff Fuzz Reissue Stompbox Effect, Control Section Volume
Rp 590,000

 VOX StompLab Guitar Multi-Effects Processor [SL1G]
VOX Guitar Wah Pedal Effect [V845]
Guitar Wah Pedal Effect
Rp 630,000

 VOX StompLab Guitar Multi-Effects Processor [SL1G]
VOX StompLab Guitar Multi-Effects Processor [SL1G]
Guitar Multi-Effects Processor, 2 Preset footswitch, 100 Preset Programs, 20 User Programs, 103 Modeled Amp and Effects, Chromatic Tuner, 2-digit LCD Display
Rp 780,000

ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Double Muff
Guitar Fuzz/Overdrive Stompbox Effect, Single/Double Mode, Control Section Muff 1, Muff 2
Rp 790,000

KORG Guitar Multi-Effects Processor [AX3G + KA189]
Guitar Multi-Effects Processor, 2 Pedal Switch, 40 Preset Programs, 10 Pre FX/16 Amp/10 Cabinet/10 Modulation/5 Reverb Modeled Effects, Chromatic Tuner, 2 Lines LCD Display, include Korg KA189 AC Adapter
Special Rp 816,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Blue Box [M103]
Guitar Octave Fuzz Stompbox Effect, Control Section Output, Blend
Rp 850,000

ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Micro Metal Muff
Guitar Distortion Stompbox Effect, Boost Mode, Control Section Volume, Tone, Distortion
Rp 850,000

IBANEZ Guitar Wah Pedal Effect [WH10V2]
Classic Wah Pedal Effect, Control Section Depth, Effect On/Off Switch, Frequency Range Switch
Special Rp 859,140

DUNLOP Guitar Effect Cry Baby Q-Zone [QZ1]
Guitar Phaser Stompbox Effect
Special Rp 919,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Super Comp [M132]
Guitar Compressor Stompbox Effect, Control Section Output, Attack Level, Sensitivity
Special Rp 919,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Distortion+ [M104]
Guitar Distortion Stompbox Effect, Control Section Output, Distortion
Rp 950,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Micro Comp [M133]
Guitar Pre Amp Stompbox Effect, Control Section Gain
Rp 950,000

DUNLOP Cry Baby Wah Wah [GCB95]
Guitar Wah Pedal Effect, Thomas Organ Design 1966,
Special Rp 954,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Noise Clamp [M195]
Guitar Noise Gate Stompbox Effect, Control Section Trigger
Special Rp 954,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Phase 90 [M101]
Guitar Phaser Stompbox Effect, Control Section Speed
Special Rp 954,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Wylde Phase [ZW90]
Guitar Phaser Stompbox Effect, Control Section Speed, Zakk Wylde Signature
Special Rp 954,000

IBANEZ Weeping Demon Guitar Wah Pedal Effect [WD7]
Guitar Wah Pedal Effect, Control Section Level, Auto Off Delay, Q, LO, Range Fine Tuning, Foot SW, Mode Lever
Special Rp 962,555

KORG Guitar Multi-Effects Processor [AX5G + KA189]
Guitar Multi-Effects Processor, 2 Pedal Switch, 1 Expression/Volume Pedal, 40 Preset Programs, 11 Pre FX/16 Amp/10 Cabinet/10 Modulation/5 Delay/5 Reverb Modeled Effects, Chromatic Tuner, 2 Lines LCD Display, include Korg KA189 AC Adapter
Special Rp 971,251

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR 6 Band Graphic EQ [M109]
Guitar EQ Stompbox Effect, Control Section 6-Band EQ
Rp 990,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Distortion III [M115]
Guitar Distortion Stompbox Effect, Control Section Output, Tone, Distortion
Rp 990,000

DUNLOP Guitar Effect MXR Dyna Comp [M102]
Guitar Compressor Stompbox Effect, Control Section Output, Sensitivity
Rp 990,000

ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Big Muff
Guitar Distortion/Sustainer Stompbox Effect, Control Section Volume, Tone, Sustain
Rp 990,000

ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Germanium OD
Overdrive, True ByPass, Volts Knob For Reducing Battery Voltage, Control Section Gain, Bias, Volts
Rp 990,000

ELECTRO HARMONIX Guitar Effect Octave Multiplexer
Analog Sub-Octave Generator, True Bypass, Sub-Octave Is Switch Selectable, Control Section High Filter, Blend, Bass Filter
Rp 990,000

Demikian informasi yang bisa saya berikan tentang Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014, jika di toko-toko anda masih tersedi harga tidak akan jauh beda dengan yang sudah tertera di atas, karna setiap toko berbeda harga patoknya. Semoga bermanfaat terimakasih

Harga Efek Gitar Terbaru Murah 2014 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: blog rbf
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